Large Group Writing Programs

Welcome to our widest-open door.

Firefly was born out of a deep love for the alchemy of small group workshops, but when we started working on Zoom we realized that other things were possible.

These programs have unlimited enrollment, and are designed as solo journeys in the company of others. They do not involve sharing or getting feedback, instead they are a writing experience, led with the same heart, care and passion that we bring to all our offerings.

Top down view of a frothy mug of coffee.jpg

Morning Coffee Sessions

Gather. Scribble. Start the day.

Weekdays at 9am ET
Sliding Scale: $25-$50/month

Registration is open

Coaches Asifa, Kim and Mari, three women of colour, in a bright forest.

BIPOC Writing Space

Twice-a-month sessions by and for BIPOC writers.

Two Thursdays a month
Sliding Scale: $20-$50/month

Registration is open