We. Are. Hiring.
Top down view of a desk with a latte, plant, blank notebook with a pen and a typewriter.
The biggest thing that Firefly has taught me is how to say, “Hey, can you give me a hand with this?”
When I started, wowzers, there was none of that. I did everything, muscles tensed, power-walking around the city with my hand-cut flyers and my little case of thumbtacks. I baked the cookies, wrote the invoices, coded the website, cleaned the bathroom (which, of course, was my bathroom) and did all the teaching and coaching and facilitating.
It was that place where “awesome” and “awful” meet — in awe. I had a lot of awe. And not a lot of sleep.
It was important for me to do that for the first decade or so. Partly, Firefly was too small to hire people, but also, there’s a piece of my true nature in that tense little entrepreneur. Hard work is part of who I am. Knowing the ropes helps me feel safe and grounded. It was necessary for a while.
But I’ve learned, painfully and with great resistance, that there is huge power in delegating. And this new job, wow, it’s got me dizzy with that.
SO. May I present you with our search for the newest member of our team. For lack of a sexier name (and I’m open to suggestions) we’re calling it — drum roll please — support staff.
Basically, we’re getting by, but there are one or two or a hundred things that come up every day and we wish we had some help with. We need someone for a wide range of practical jobs like stocking Kleenex at the studio, re-ordering Life Stories workbooks every season, updating the website, keeping our storage area organized and scheduling team events.
This job is part-time, contract-based and can mostly be done from home, with some studio time and contact with the team as needed. If you dig practical, solitary, nit-picky jobs and you’re good with basic tech skills, this might be for you.
Authentically diversifying our team is always on our minds, so candidates that are underrepresented in the Canadian workforce are especially encouraged to apply.
Do you know the perfect person?
Are you the perfect person?
Here are all the sweet details.
Thank you for reading, for spreading the word on our search, for being part of this sweet and hardworking world called Firefly. Thank you for watching us grow, and for all the next steps we can’t even see yet.
Soft-hearted and grateful,