The pressure to seem fine.
A small wooden shelf holding a plant, mason jar, and Firefly flyers.
Has it been “one of those weeks”? Already?
And are we all feeling this? Like the tide is rising on our little islands of okayness, and there’s less and less space to move? Maybe we’re already on one foot, or climbing a tree, wondering when the water will go down, and where the extra supplies are, and can someone send a boat please?
For me, the most tiring part is the pressure to seem fine. This hits when I’m in conversations where there’s no room for an honest, “How are you?” or willingness to sit with the actual answer.
The internet lets us be very connected but not always truly connected. It’s just so easy in these tidy Zoom rectangles to curate a cleaned-up version of ourselves, to turn the camera away from the dog barf on the carpet, to smile even when we’re lonely.
My favourite thing about Firefly is that we refuse to do that.
We strive to build communities that stand on the floorboards of honesty and work from there.
We strive to build communities that don’t ask anyone for armour or fake smiles.
We strive to build communities that commit to the truth, even when it’s not convenient, because in a long-standing struggle like this one, truth is the opposite of loneliness.
And of course, that’s where our best writing starts. On those floorboards. In that honesty. That’s where we want to meet you.
So — hi. 👋
Hi to your messy hair, your empty mugs, your brain fog, your bruised heart. Hi to everything outside the frame, tucked away, pushed down. Hi to the stain on the carpet and the gauzy web of dream you woke up inside of, and the thing you didn’t say, but wanted to, last time someone asked how you were doing.
It all has a place here. And by “here,” I mean at Firefly, and also in your writing. And maybe also everywhere.
If you’re looking for a way to step into the season with us, our small group workshops are here. We also have room for one-on-one coaching.
Here’s to moving through this, together and apart, one perfect, messy step at a time.
In it with you,