Spring online classes + other small good things
A desk covered in paper and images with a candle on top.
Beautiful Human,
I know we’re all spending way too much time on screens right now. And it’s spring! For real! I want you to be gazing out the window. But I have some small, good things that I want to drop into your lap first.
Here’s one: we’re running a free, live, 1-hour writing workshop a bunch of times next week. It’s a quick ping of community, a chance to write with others, a gift from us to you. It’s called “A Small Good Thing.” We’re keeping the groups intimate, so sign up sooooon if you’re interested. Check back in if they fill up, we’ll likely keep offering more.
There are also new guided writing prompt videos up on the website, designed to create a soft pause in the chaos. You can do these anytime, and they’re kid-friendly too!
We also have a rather large announcement — our spring workshops will all be online this year. This means that if you don’t live in Toronto, you can still take part, if you’re stuck at home, you can still take part. We will have financial aid available wherever possible to make these as accessible as we can to people affected by COVID-19’s impacts.
I’m not sure how it will look, but I have a feeling Firefly will have an important role to play in coming months. One of the things that is dangerously thinning right now is human connection — raw, real, weird, deep-feeling, authentic connection. That connection is the blood that runs through our veins.
So, we’re going to be looking for ways to stay strong and keep offering that with integrity and clarity and kindness. We have a thousand ideas — programs to help parents write with kids who are home, an online portal to link up self-isolating writers with other writers who want to talk writing — but we also want to hear from you. What do you want and need from us? How can we be of service to you? We love your ideas.
Last week the spring equinox passed quietly by. Now there is more light than dark in our days. Let’s hold that, and watch for the goodness that is quietly taking up more room. We can all stand together in this strange new storm.
In it with you,